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Thank you for expressing interest in becoming a member of the International Whistlers Guild!

As you may have seen on our social media, we are officially opening up membership on May 1st. We are scheduling a live streamed launch event for May 1st (tentatively at 10AM EDT (New York Time)), and we will be posting the full video of the event on our YouTube channel. Confirmation of the specific time and platform of this event will be coming soon.

If you are interested in participating in this event more directly, you can submit a short video shoutout that we will play during the event. These videos will be featured throughout the launch event, and will be uploaded to our YouTube channel as a compilation video. Our intention for the video submissions is to give people a platform to introduce themselves to the whistling community. It also gives people the opportunity to be featured on our social media pages if they are interested.

Video submissions should be less than 15 seconds long, and should be sent by April 23rd. We would like for you to include a self introduction with your name, and where you are from. Feel free to get creative with your video and add some whistling, a fun fact about yourself, or something else.

To submit a video, email us (whistlersguild@gmail.com) a link where we can download your video from a service such as Dropbox, WeTransfer, Google Drive, or OneDrive. Note that we will not show videos that we deem inappropriate for whatever reason.

Here is an example of what a shoutout video could look like:

On the heels of our membership launch announcement, we would also like to provide some more information about what membership entails:

  1. Discount for the online Global Whistling Championship entry fee
  2. Free admission to online masterclasses and access to archives of past masterclasses
  3. Members-only events
  4. Access to a Members Directory to help members connect with each other
  5. Access to regular newsletters and the ability to submit your whistling related stories and announcements
  6. Access to the Ask a Whistler service for asking and answering questions from other members and an archive of the questions and answers
  7. Member promotional features on our social media
  8. Regular Whistlers Roundtable get-togethers
  9. Eligibility to be nominated for IWG awards (think things like whistler of the year)

And more to come!

Details of each benefit will be explained during the launch event, and will also be published on our website.

We are managing all our activities on a completely voluntary basis. That being said, we need to collect an annual membership fee in order to support our events and web-related costs. For your reassurance, none of the membership fees will be going towards paying the executive board (since we are volunteers), and 100% of the membership fees will be used to support IWG events and costs such as web hosting. We believe that we have calculated a reasonable cost which we will also reveal on May 1st.

If you have any questions so far, please try to attend the launch event on May 1st so that other people can also benefit from your questions. If you cannot attend the event, please send us your questions so that we can compile them all and share all the answers.

This is an exciting time for the IWG, and whistling in general and we are so happy that you are a part of it. Stay tuned for more information and how you can become a member. We look forward to growing whistling together! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.